Home Staging in Calgary

You’ve loved your house and all the memories that are now embedded in it. However, now for one reason or another, it is time to move on to something different and so begins your search for a home on MLS in Calgary. Your home was ideal for you, but the question looms, how long before a new buyer feels the same about your soon-to-be-on-the-market abode? How do you ensure that a prospective buyer will react the same way as you did when you first walked through it? The answer lies in staging your home when you want to put it on the market. You love your furniture and decorations, however, don’t get offended if not everyone will feel the same way about your leopard print ottoman or polka dot drapes. Home staging involves working with an interior designer to essentially spruce up the interior of your home to make it more attractive, modern and marketable. Naturally, this service comes with a cost, however before you let that single fact turn you away, here are some points to consider. Statistics show that a staged home will sell faster than one that isn’t. The longer a home is on the market, there looms the risk of having to eventually decrease your asking price, which means, less money for you at the end of the sale. Therefore, staging your home can be a worthwhile investment-according to the National Association of Realtors, a staged home spent 73% less time on the market. In addition, ‘a survey conducted by Coldwell Banker Real Estate Corp. discovered that staged homes are usually sold 6% above the asking price.' Furthermore and from the same report, staging brings many other benefits. ‘For buyers it is easier to visualize the property as a future home (81 percent), buyers are more willing to walk through a home they viewed online (46 percent), will positively impact the value of the home if it is decorated to the buyer tastes (45 percent), and buyers are more willing to overlook other property faults (28 percent)' if staging is present. Staging also provides the ability to have excellent online photos which for most is the first touch point for viewing your home. This goes hand-in-hand with the statistic mentioned earlier, where with great photos, a potential buyer taps into their emotional cues and within minutes can begin visualizing themselves in your home. Of course, this is the holy graile for all home-owners looking to sell! Home stagers are professional designers who want to help you sell your home at the best price and in the quickest time frame. They can help you work different designs into different budgets-you can choose to stage specific rooms or your entire home. Your budget will dictate this for you, but statistics show that the most important room to stage is the Living Room, followed by the Kitchen and then the Master Bedroom. If you're planning on selling your home soon, contact a local staging designer today in Calgary for a free home staging consultation because quite simply, you and your home are worth it! 
